Wednesday, December 2, 2009

got milk?

oreos= a "safe snack"
we buy them in bulk
they are not however meant to be eaten a sleeve at a time...
by a 20 month old just minutes before dinner
oh my!


Wray's said...

oh goodness! exactly why we had to put a lock on our pantry door!!

marie said...

Those days are always so much fun! :)
We have our pantry locked too but I happen to have some climbers who have figured that one out!

The Glocks said...

oh shine! at least you know he's getting his calorie intake for the day!

Melissa said...

Oh my - what a silly goose. love that grin...

laurie said...

but why not? haha my boys would say that is the perfect appetizer:-) well, can't actually say they know about appetizers, but ....they would join right in with dj.

Satterfield said...

Looks like he keeps you on your toes! I am sorry we missed you at Thanksgiving! Hope to see you next time.

Anonymous said...

Love this, Sunshine! What a little rascal! :)