Saturday, January 22, 2011

the name game

it was a tough game choosing a name for our little number 3!
after finding out girl/boy the first two times we landed upon their names pretty quickly. no wavering. no other options. we were sure.

this time around seemed so much harder. the name needed to fit our family, be easy to say with the other names, have a special meaning, not be totally left field yet original... and on and on...

peter gets all the credit this time around.

a place of worship
acknowledging the healing the Lord did in her life and praising Him- her Maker
Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95:6

her paternal grandfather's middle name, her great grandmother's maiden name, a nod to her Scottish heritage

nicknaming is even more fun... chapel apple, chappy chap, miss mac... we'll see what sticks!

we say that baby sister got a name for christmas. that's when we told our family by placing a namecard on the seat she'll be occupying next year...

before we spilled the beans to everyone we pulled bright aside and told her we'd named the baby and let her see the placecard.

"it rhymes with apple and means a place of worship" we told her.

"i like it" she said, "but it's a little odd" :)

1 comment:

Sara said...

So happy for your family! Her name is so special!